
Books Used:
Little Bear's Big Sweater by David Bedford
Bears! Bears! Bears! by Bob Barner.
Polar Bears by Fiona Watt
Where Teddy Bears Come From by Mark Burgess
The Bears in the Bed and the Great Big Storm by Paul Bright
Crafts and Activities:

Bear Mini Book and Photo Frame


Books Used:
Barry, the Fish with Fingers by Sue Hendra.
The Pout-Pout Fish in the Big-Big Dark by Deborah Diesen
Fish Kisses and Gorilla Hugs by Marianne Richmond.
Ugly Fish by Kara LaReau
Hooray For Fish! by Lucy Cousins.
Swim! Swim! by Lerch

Crafts and Activities:
Fish Bowl Craft

"Ten Little Fish" Flannel Board
(created by me)

Valentine's Day

Books Used:
Valentine's Day is-- by Gail Gibbons.
Valentine's Day by Brenda Haugen
Valentine's Day by Anne Rockwell
Henry and the Valentine Surprise by Nancy Carlson.
Sweet Hearts by Jan Carr

Crafts and Activities:


Books Used:
Easy as Pie by Cari Best 
My Pop Pop and Me  by Irene Smalls 
Beverly Billingsly Takes the Cake by Alexander Stadler.
Eight Animals Bake a Cake by Susan Middleton Elya.
Bunny Cakes : a Max and Ruby Picture Book by Rosemary Wells.

Cratfs and Activities:

Paper Plate Muffin Craft and Baking Mini Book


Books Used 
Cowboy & Octopus  by Jon Scieszka & Lane Smith.
Cowboy José  by Susan Middleton Elya
Ride 'em Cowboy by Stefan Czernecki.
The Dirty Cowboy by Amy Timberlake 
Little Red Cowboy Hat by Susan Lowell

Crafts & Activies:

Cowboy Mini Book

"Alphabet Cattle Round Up" Flannel Board
(created by me)


Books Used:
Autumn is for Apples by Knudsen
The Growing up Tree by Rosenberry
The Apple Orchard by Murphy
Applesauce Season by Lipson
Apples to Oregon by Hopkinson.
Dappled Apples by Carr


Apple Puppets
Print the apple on cardstock. (you will need to adjust the size of the apple before printing)
Cut out, add a face, googly eyes, and a popsicle stick.
Finger Worm Apples
Print apple on cardstock. Cut out a nickel-sized hole. Children can color the apple and pretend their finger is a worm

This a flannel board I created based on the mini book "Five Shiny Apples" (available at with membership)


Books Used:
Russell the Sheep by Scotton
The Sleep Sheep by McQuinn
Woolbur by Helakoski
Time for Bed by Fox
Sheep in a Jeep by Shaw
Sheep Blast Off by Shaw
Sheep Out to Eat by Shaw
Sheep Take a Hike by Shaw
Feeding the Sheep by Schubert

Accompanying Craft/Activities:

Paper Plate Sheep Craft (instructions and template @

Mini Book ( -- with membership only)